Got a Question, babe? I know I got the answer!
Frequently Asked Questions
I ordered a pattern or digital product but I can’t find the download link! What should I do?
No problem! Your digital product has also been emailed to you! If you can’t access it, please contact me at littleshopjoy@yahoo.com!
Can I sell the finished Scrunchie Bandanas that I creating using your pattern?
Heck yeah you can! I actually encourage you to do so because you will make a lot of money making these bandanas. I would know, they were the TOP selling bandana style in my handmade shop, Little Shop Joy. My customers loveddd them and I know yours will too.
I have other questions! How do I get in contact with you?
What is Creating Purple Joy?
I check my email a million times a day so the best way to reach me is at littleshopjoy@yahoo.com! I’m friendly af – so don’t hesitate to reach out!
Creating Purple Joy is a creative studio to sprinkle positivity, share my creations like my polymer clay earrings, DIY Sewing Patterns like my bestselling Scrunchie Dog Bandana Pattern, and manifesting tees. I created this space to empower, inspire and to be me – freely.