Right here, in this moment, I am exactly where I need to be.
As I come to this realization, I am filled with a sense of calm. I understand that every thought, word, action, has brought me to where I am at this moment. I am right where I need to be.

I see my past behind me, and I whisper a quiet prayer of acknowledgment for how far I have come. I see my triumphs, successes, and victories, and I am proud.
As I consider the path behind me, I also see the obstacles and the challenges that have tried to block my path. These were placed across my path for a reason. I understand that I have encountered each of these challenges for a reason.
I know that all that I have experienced has brought me here, to this point. I reflect on all I have learned and then turn my attention forward.

I see the path laid out before me, and I am excited to take my first step. I know that this is the perfect path for me. I am on the path that leads to my destiny.
My goals are within my reach. I already have all that I need to succeed and be happy.
Today, I know I am where I need to be. I understand I am on the right path, and that I am destined to be successful, reach my goals, and achieve my full potential in all that I do.