There’s more than one way to do something. Don’t get blinded by all the information that you find on TikTok, Pinterest, Youtube and all the other places on the internet from these clickbait experts. Just because you see it done in one way does not mean that that is the only way. There’s more than one way. There always is. There’s more than one way to bake a cake, to make money, to manifest, to cook, to make potatoes, to get followers, to increase sales, etc so there’s more than one way to accomplish whatever you are going for.
I know that it is fun to discover all the ways that stuff has been done but don’t forget that it can be done just as amazing in your way – with your touch. You do not have to mimic or mock or be anything other than your beautiful amazing self. Do not force yourself to do something that doesn’t feel natural, like you or your own just because you think it’s the way it MUST be done.
There’s no such thing. Get rid of that super limiting belief – there’s always more than one way to do something – your way will work just as well if not better so challenge yourself to find what works and feels good to you.
You got this. I’m soooo proud of you. Just keep going.