Crossposting your listings to multiple selling platforms can help your reselling business grow quickly. It may seem complicated and an overall hassle but there are four good reasons why you definitely should crosspost to multiple selling platforms in 2022.

- More Listings – Listing on more selling platforms means you will create more listings for just one item. For example, if you are selling an backpack, and decide to cross post to eBay anddd Mercari, that is 2 listings for the same item. If you also decide to sell it on Poshmark, then that is another listing.
- More Eyes – Each Selling Platforms have their own audience that you can tap into when you list an item on their platform. Listings on various selling platforms have means more people will see your listing which means your chances of getting more sales will increase.
- More Sales – Crossposting does increase your sales – even if you just crosspost on two selling platforms (ex. Ebay and Mercari or Ebay and Etsy, etc). The chances of your item selling increases when you have it it posted on more than one platform.
- Eggs in Multiple Baskets – A lot of resellers depend on one selling platform and when something happens to it, they are scrambling trying to figure out how to sell their items. Selling your items on mulitple platforms helps you keep your eggs in multiple baskets. If something happens with one of your selling platforms (ex. if eBay decides to ban you from their platform), you have other selling platforms to fall back on.
Sooo, how to do you crosspost?
You can manually list your item to several selling platforms. This can take more time but it’s totally free.
If you don’t want to manually cross post, check out some of the following crossposting tools that can make listing and managing your listing easier.
- PrimeLister
- ListingJoy
- Vendoo
- List Perfectly
- Onestop
- ResellKit
- Cross List It
- SellerInsight
I hope this helps,